Biter & Pollution Configuration

These options can drastically change a server! It's important to fully understand what your changing! So this page will include full details.

By default biters are off, however if you want to try them out of the box it is possible, just change user biters to true. This will allow biter nets to start spawning in your in very populated areas. So they will only appear once players begin polluting an area.

Changing these settings can drastically make Minetorio into a Factorio death world or into a chill factory sim like Satisfactory.

Config Option
Info (Short Description)

Use Pollution


Setting this to false disables pollution creation.


Use Biters


Setting this to false disables biter nests from spawning and generating. After enabling this make sure to do some testing using a pollution generator and change attack gather time down so you can see if your server can handle biter attacks. Most servers should be able to handle it but weaker servers may struggle so you will need to change some performance settings / biter settings like lowering the attack size.


World Biter Specifics:

  • disable/world

  • nobiters/world,0,0,0/10


Used in a few ways. Adding 'disable/world_name', will disable biters from generating in a specific world. Adding 'nobiters/world_name/x,y,z/radius' will disable biters from generating and expanding into that area. - Useful for spawn areas and server areas. As it is used to create an empty area in biter generation. Any area here will never allow biters to


Dissapation Multiplier


Superchunks (3x3) chunks dissipate pollution overtime, increasing this value makes them delete pollution faster, resulting in a smaller pollution cloud. The inverse happens when lowered.


Pollution Move Percent


Superchunks move a percentage of there pollution to their cardinal neibors. Raising this makes it so more pollution is moved off the super chunk. #Raising this can increase the pollution cloud size, it can also make nests spawn more powerful biters faster since they have more pollution to obsorb. The inverse happens when lowered. Highest Recommended - 0.49


Pollution Multiplier


This increases device pollution output, raising this can increase the pollution cloud size, it can also make nests spawn more powerful biters faster since they have more pollution to obsorb. The inverse happens when lowered.


Plant Growth Stunting


Crops have a percent chance to stop a growth tick when in a polluted super chunk. The chance is SuperChunk.Pollution/100, so a superchunk with 1000 pollution has a 10% chance to stop a growth tick


Animal Spawn Canceling


Animals have a percent chance to prevent a breeding spawn when in a polluted super chunk. The chance is SuperChunk.Pollution/100, so a superchunk with 1000 pollution has a 10% chance to stop a breed spawn


Evolution Amount Percentage


Once a superchunk has had 1000 lifetime-pollution added to it, the evolution percent goes up by 1%. #This is the total amount of pollution the chunk has had added to it over its lifetime. So at 10000 lifetime pollution the evolution percentage is 10%. #This also controls when nests can start spawning stronger biters.


Nest Spawn Timer


This is how long it takes in seconds for a SuperChunk to attempt to spawn a biter nest. By default this is every 5 minutes. Setting to -1 disables nest spawning in pollution clouds. Existing nests can still expand and create new nests though.


Nest Spawn Chance Factor


This decides the chance to spawn a nest in a SuperChunk, the forumla works as so, SuperChunk.Pollution/Nest Spawn Chance Factor A Superchunk with 500 pollution has a 10% chance to spawn a nest. Increase this to reduce spawn chance, reduce this to increase spawn chance. This is also the lowest pollution a chunk can have to have a chance to spawn a nest. You can ignore this if Nest Spawn Timer is -1.


Nest Expansion Price


This is the price of expansion pollution stored by a nest to create a new nest nearby. #Raising this will make it take longer to create an expansion nest. Inverse if lowered. With all default settings an average expansion will take 40 minutes in low pollution conditions at 5000. Keep in mind nests cannot expand if they are not getting any pollution. Set to -1 to disable nest expansions.


Biter Price Multiplier


The price in pollution to spawn more advanced biters. Raising this makes the biters weakers, lowering it makes them stronger. Raising this can slow down biter spawn rate if default pollution settings. #Reducing this does not really increase spawn rate if pollution settings are default, however what is spawned is stronger.


Nest Defender Biters


How many biters can spawn to protect a nest.


Max Concurrent Attacks


This is how many physical attacks can be active at once, attacks have stages, from gathering, finding a target, moving and then physical attacking. This means that there could be 100 attacks gathering, moving & finding targets but only 10 attacks will ever physically be happening at a time. Reducing this can help performance as less chunks are being loaded for the attacks.


Attack Biters


How many biters can attack in a wave.


Attack Gather Time


How long in seconds an attack will gather biters for. The higher this number the less frequent biter attacks. But generally if all else is default the attacks will be larger or at max size more often then not.


Attack Only Online


Factories can be attacked when a player isnt online. You can disable this if you dont want attacks to target offline player factories.


Generate Nests In SuperChunks


This will generate nests in superchunks when the superchunk is fully loaded. #This works on superchunks that already exist! #This will essentially spawn nests all over the world populating it with biters as the map is explored. By default this is turned off as not all servers will wont their entire world crawling with biters. #This cannot be undone easily, you would need to run /mt killnests, to remove all of the spawned nests. But the nests wont be fully removed until a server restart. So only set this if you intend for your world to be populated with biters. #If you turn this on, and then off and then back on you will need to delete your super chunks folder as generation only happens one time per super chunk EVER.


Nest Generate Chance


The chance that a super chunk generates any nests. Anything higher then 1.0 just means 100% Nest Generate Chance: 0.25


Nest Max Cluster Size


The max amount of nests that a super chunk may generate. Max 9


Nest Cluster Diminish Chance


After each nest is generated the chance of another is multiplied by the amount below. So 100% * 0.5 = 50%, 500.5 = 25% 250.5 = 13 So after each nest generates the chance gets lower to spawn another nest. #The amount of nests generated will never exceed Nest Max Cluster Size.


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