All the ways to move items and liquids!
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All the ways to move items and liquids!
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Conveyor belts are carpet! Yes carpet! No there is no custom recipes, its just regular old carpet! You create a conveyor belts by having a motorized motor facing a single carpet, then all other attached carpet will become a conveyor belt! You can should never connect two or more motorized movers to the same belt. This will cause wacky behavior as both motorized belts fight over the same belt. Belts of different colors will never mix together. So a green belt next to a yellow belt will never jump from green to yellow. So items on green will only ever stay on green until taken off via a mover.
A simple early game factory would be an auto shearer with a crafter to automate the production of carpets!
You can also hold a wire tool out to see the direction of a belt at any time!
You can teleport items short distances using the item teleporter, however it does use a bit of power and is limited to a certain distance. In order to link two item teleporters together you must use a wire tool to right click one teleporter, which will select it then you can select another to link it to. These are only available after getting chemical science so they are not really a good early game option. However once you obtain them they are great for your spaghetti factory!
These are the kind of long range transport! They are also available pretty early on in the tech tree since they only require red and green science! In order to setup a train you will need two Train Station Devices, a ton of vanilla minecraft rails and 1 locomotive. Once you place both train stations you can place a rail path connecting the too, similar to belts.
Now that these are stations are linked together you should name one pickup and one drop off! Using the device information button!
Once you have them named you can then add a locomotive to the station easily by dropping a locomotive on the an open rail! Which is any rail icon at the top of the train station UI!
Once you have a locomotive at the train station you can now manage it by hovering over it and left clicking it! It is a good idea to give it a name so you can identify it!
Left clicking the locomotive will allow you to edit the locomotives pickup and drop off location! You will also get to control settings like if the train waits until its full or empty, or if it simply goes to the next stop after some time. Make sure you give your locomotive a name!
In order to fuel your locomotives you will need to place a vanilla minecraft barrel underneath the train station. When trains get low on their fuel they will consume fuel from the barrel beneath the train station. However trains run off coal or charcoal! So you will need to supply the barrel with either.
At some point you will want to use either steam power, petrol power or you might even need an item that requires a liquid to craft like Red Circuits. They require plastic bars which use petroleum by default!
What can be used as a pipe? One of the three types of walls, andesite, diorite and granite walls. Cobblestone walls will not work it must be one of those specific walls. Walls act as pipes and their polished block form acts like a valve connection to output liquids. So any device connected to a pipe network will be able to take liquid from that network.
All pipes are diorite, andesite or granite walls and polished blocks.
Liquids can share the same pipes unlike in factorio. So you can have steam and water in the same pipe. How? Magic! Or science whichever you prefer.
Pipes also work like colored belts, so diorite pipes will never transfer liquids from andesite pipes. Useful for keeping one liquid in one pipe or to identify it easily.
To start you need a pump and a pipe above the pump. The pump gets placed directly above a large body of water. Pumps have a unique output to liquids as they can only output to a pipe connection above it.
Now that you have a pump placed with your first pipe block above the pump you can connect it to a boiler using a pipe line with a polished block at the end. This will allow the pump to move water into the boiler.
Now that the pump can move water into devices that need it, the boiler needs some coal, and to jump start the system we are going to use a combustion generator, however solar panels and a battery would be a good alternative. Steam engines are going to be needed as the boiler will produce steam. Enough for 3 steam engines total. Steam engines also need two grinders attached to each of them to produce maximum power. Note that the steam engine is essentially converting the water into steam, which is treated like a liquid, just like factorio does! This means the steam can be moved via pipes just like the water! So we need to move steam from the boiler to the steam engines via pipes.
Now your steam engine is roaring! Compared to the combustion generator you are getting 45 power now instead of 15 for that 1 piece of coal! A far superior power style! If you want to automate it consider using movers to move coal or any fuel source into the boiler. Get creative! You could use dried kelp blocks, charcoal, sticks, logs, bamboo and anything that can burn in a furnace. Burn times are doubled in boilers and combustion generators!
Keep in mind that the same principles will apply to petroleum and petroleum engines. But instead of pumping water you'll be pumping oil. And the oil will get moved into an oil refinery instead of a boiler. You then can use the petroleum from the oil refinery to create things like plastic, you end up with extra liquids like heavy oil and light oil, these are both broken down with water to create more petroleum.