API / Setup

Currently a work in progress.

API Access

To access the API depend on the jar file as a reference. Currently there is no public repository for the plugin so you can still use maven for example with this, but you will need to have a system reference instead. You'll need to use a third party program to view its source code for now. However the wiki will cover some basic things you can do currently with the API. You could of course use things from the plugin outside its API, but if you do, please understand that i might make these methods private, remove them completely or change them. So you really should only use what is in the API until 1.0 is released, and even then you should generally stick to using the API when possible.

Object Types



This represents all custom placed Minetorio blocks, you can access a lot of data from a device, like its power usage, who placed it etc.


This represents all information pertaining to a specific player in regards to Minetorio of course. Access info like if specific tech is unlocked for example.


This contains information like all chunks in the super chunk, pollution levels, evolution level and more.

Last updated