
A factories pesty biproduct!

How its made

Most devices will make pollution. Most don't make a lot of pollution however when a lot are in one area they can make a ton of pollution together. Some devices like combustion generators, boilers and refineries produce a lot of pollution, even on their own. So you can actually use this to your advantage, you can place your most polluting devices far away from your main factory or in an area in your factory that you dont mind getting attacked at. (See Biters)

How its removed

Pollution is removed 1 of 2 ways.

  1. It can be absorbed by the super chunk which is a 3x3 collection of chunks. This super chunk has a dissipation rate, this rate is generated when a player is near it to generate it. It's dissipation rate is determined by the biomes on the surface of the world in those chunks. So if a chunk is all lush forest then the dissipation rate will be much higher then if it were plains biome for example.

  2. It can be absorbed by biter nests. These nests use the pollution for a few things, like spawning another nest, spawning a new biter for the nest or spawning a biter for an attack.

What does it do?

Pollution has a few effects on the world, it currently effects three major things.

  1. Crop growth, the higher the pollution in a chunk the more likely a crop will have stunted growth making it take longer to grow.

  2. Animal breeding, animals will have a chance to fail when mating. When this happens no animal is spawned.

  3. Biter growth, biters grow stronger from pollution. Their nests use pollution to evolve and become stronger. They use it to spawn more biters as well.

  4. Biter nests can spawn in polluted super chunks that are not occupied by a pollution causing device or adjacent to one. This gives you some space from biter nest spawns but will not protect you from their attacks.

How can I see it and fight it?

You can view pollution at anytime use /mt map. This will show you a map that shows all of the polluted chunks. It gives some other useful info like dissipation rate of a chunk, nests in that chunk and the evolution of biters in that chunk. The center of the UI is the super chunk your in and the top of the UI is north.

Last updated